Those new to Texas may not be aware that most of the state’s infrastructure from the past one hundred years are still intact and preserved – all one needs to know is where to look. That is where Apple Maps is your friend as most markers appear in a traditional search. A simple query of “bridge” on my iPhone highlighted that the Old Alton Bridge was nearby. I have grown a fondness for Texas architecture cruising the Texas backroads, and having never surveyed the area before thought the bridge was worth checking out!

The temperature outside was a scorching 107, but I think I captured the essence of the bridge with my Fujifilm camera. There were even adventurers, in addition to myself, making the same trek on a lovely Sunday.

Old bridges such as the Old Alton Bridge are shrouded in Texas folklore. It is a ritual of mine to never investigate a photographed location online until after my session. Why, you might ask? Had I known what may have transpired at this location prior to my visit I would have never had explored the location as I had. Read more about the Old Alton Bridge below…
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