My wife and I stepped outside into a winter wonderland of snow, prairie, and trees. As a naturalist / landscape photographer I was ecstatic. But as a homeowner, I have to say this was the most beautiful I have ever seen my home town…EVER. In my first journal post for 2025 I share landscape photography from my hometown of Haslet Texas. Enjoy!

I don’t think I have ever featured landscape as local as walking out your front door and there ya go local. I love to photograph local landscape around my house, but typically that requires I drive ten or twenty minutes east or west to find a patch of trees, waterfall, or lake. Early January presented a unique opportunity to see my hometown in a whole new light…literally!

The camaraderie of the neighborhood came to life as we saw snow people freakin everywhere! It’s amazing how a little bit of snow accumulation can compel kids to play outside.

My wife doesn’t think of herself as a photographer, but I think she’s just being nice. She has a terrific eye for composition.

I love how snow can transform what is a simple small shrub near our local pond.

Beavers build a dam around this steam every winter. This water feature featured plenty water birds until Covid hit. After Covid, this year became a popular spot for locals to fish. Yes, I’m glad they are outside, but no I am not thrilled they scared off the birds.

Nice picture to capture this rare event. On another note, I cannot imagine eating fish from a water that gets road runoff?