In this post I venture out to the lovely Grapevine Texas inspired by all of the city’s rustic charm. There’s a train depot in the heart of downtown Grapevine coupled with antique shops and abandoned industrial sites. On hand I had my trust Fujifilm X-Pro 2.
I can officially say that it is great to be home in the good ‘ole state of Texas having traveled to California a month prior. Palm Springs inhabitants are quite hospitable, and the hummers get right up close to ya, but man…California, your gas is too dang expensive. Just sayin.

Grapevine Texas embraces its heritage of having once been the train depot in the area. Scattered around the city are relics from the past.

North Texas is still enjoying a little bit of heat prompting people to come out and do some pre pre Christmas shopping!

I managed to make the city feel so small in this latest photography series, and perhaps the city of Grapevine is indeed small consisting of just a few blocks with shopping and touristy traps. However, being back in Texas and around Texans was enough to make my little adventure truly epic.
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